机械学院数字化制造装备与技术国家重点实验室、华中科技大学、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校贝克曼研究所利用HDSLM80R开展基于部分孔径成像和偏振相分复用的单激发波长选择性定量相位显微镜实验。该论文发表于 Optics Express Vol. 28, Issue 23, pp. 34825-34834 (2020)。
We propose a single-shot wavelength-selective quantitative phase microscopy byannular white-light illumination, polarization-phase-division, and parallel phase-shifting. Compared to conventional multi-wavelength incoherence digital holography, the proposed microscopypresents the following merits: no switching of illumination or mechanical scanning, highspatiotemporal phase sensitivity, and single-shot reconstruction at each wavelength. Experimentsvalidate these characteristics by quantitative phase imaging of gratings, cells, and tissues.