哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院微纳光电信息系统工业和信息化部重点实验室, 山西大学极限光学协同创新中心, 新加坡国立大学,哈尔滨工业大学特殊环境下先进复合材料国家重点实验室, 香港理工大学利用HDSLM80R开展用于光学加密的可重新编程元全息图实验。Nature 该论文发表于Communications volume 11,Article number: 5484 (2020) .
Meta-holographic encryption is a potentially important technique for information security.Despite rapid progresses in multi-tasked meta-holograms, the number of information channels available in metasurfaces is limited, making meta-holographic encryption vulnerable to some attacking algorithms. Herein, we demonstrate a re-programmable metasurface that can produce arbitrary holographic images for optical encryption. The encrypted information is divided into two matrices. These two matrices are imposed to the incident light and the metasurface, respectively. While the all-dielectric metasurface is static, the phase matrix of incident light provides additional degrees of freedom to precisely control the eventual functions at will. With a single Si metasurface, arbitrary holographic images and videos have been transported and decrypted. We hope that this work paves a more promising way to optical information encryption and authentication.
